Unwatchable: Top 60 Most Disturbing / Shocking Movies Ever Made
9 articles
The movie section aims to catalog, editorialize and analyze every scary movie, fantasy and sci-fi film ever made. Any movie that frightens, thrills the senses from action/violence, contains mysterious creatures, folklore, and anything generally creepy from thrillers to psychological torment. Readers will find this category helpful for research and for figuring out what to stream on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or to buy on Blu-ray.
Ease into the unsettling style of Gaspar Noé. Warning — the films covered here deal with extremely sensitive and distributing subject matter.
BDSM movies plays a critical role in erotic thrillers and experimental cinema.
Horror movies are known for sex and nudity, and collected here are some of the most steamy, bizarre, and titillating, sex scenes ever.
Browse this list of horror films with lots of nudity to find films that almost blend genres— is it a horror film or a porn film? Might be both.
Warning — This article is about one of the most graphic and violent films ever made. The article covers sexual abuse, murder, child exploitation, and other highly sensitive topics.
Gore, cruelty, sex, and more, all blended together and taken to grueling extremes. Welcome to the world of Japanese shock cinema.
“Horror” here has many definitions and is defined as simply movies that make audiences recoil and say “I can’t watch this.”
Gory, bloody, and utterly disgusting, here are 13 of the goriest movies of all time, ranked. Splatter time! 🩸
A list of the top French New Extremity movies and a brief history of France’s fraught relationship with its bloody history.